What’s My Home Worth?

This is the question that is on most homeowner’s minds, isn’t it? Your home is worth what a buyer will pay for it…but how is that determined?

Unfortunately, it is not as easy as looking up your stock balance online. The real estate market is constantly in flux – new inventory comes on, inventory is bought up, buyers come into the market and leave the market due to local economics, new developments are created which can make resale inventory look older, and development can make areas more or less desirable. None of that can be determine with a few simple clicks of the mouse.

However, if you would like to learn the market value of your home – no strings attached – filling out the form below will get the ball rolling. I will do some preliminary research, then you and I can talk about your possible next step which will include a phone conversation to learn more about your home and seeing it in-person to determine value most accurately: